Wishing all our Members and Visitors a very Happy Christmas and good golfing in 2024!
Junior Golf
A reminder that the Junior Captains Prize 2023 (Adam Cooney) is scheduled for Friday the 29th December.
Men’s Fixtures
Saturday the 23rd to Sunday the 31st December will run an Open 2-Man Champagne Scramble (12 Hole).
€5 per Member & €10 per Visitor.
Placing everywhere through the green. See Notice Board for T&C’s.
The Captain’s Drive-In will take place on Monday the 1st January 2024 at 1pm sharp. The competition on the day will be a Texas Scramble (mixed teams of 4). Shotgun starts at 9.30am and 1.15pm. The tee sheet will be on the board from Friday the 22nd December.
Don’t forget that you now have the option to enter the club lotto draw at competition sign in stage on the computer.
Spring League
An entry sheet for the Spring League is now on the men’s notice board along with T&C’s for the competition. Make sure to put your name down and pay the entry fee of €10 before the 31st of December if you wish to play! Please encourage your playing partners and friends to enter – we need a big entry to make this work.
The League will be kindly sponsored by Alan Maher (Londis Cashel Road) and great prizes will be on offer for the overall winners!
NEW MEMBERS 2023/2024
Membership year 1st April – 31st March. If you are looking to join the club, please contact the office for details of rates.
Special Offer -15 months for the Price of 12
Special offer on New Members from now to 31st March 2024. €450 + €50 comp levy + Golf Ireland fees. This offer is open to new members and past members who have not renewed their membership within the last 5 years. Terms and conditions apply. Juniors from €100 and Distance €200 so for full details please contact Aine at the office on 052-6124050 or download an application form from our website www.clonmelgolfclub.com.
Jackpot €3,300 on Saturday 23rd December.
Tickets at €2 each and three for €5. Also available to purchase online, QR codes, Facebook.
Vouchers available for all kinds of gifts and presents. Quick Pick Lotto available.
Ladies Notes
A 9-hole Christmas Scramble was held on Wednesday 20th December. The competition was won by our Lady Captain, Eta Barry Walsh, Mary Burke and Marion O’Neill, 34.6. Second place went to Bobbi Holohan, Ann Boyle and Christine Hickey, 34.8 and in third place, Eleanor Devaney, Liz Barlow and Elaine Winston, 35.3. Congratulations to all who participated.
Captains Drive In
Clonmel Golf Club’s Men’s and Ladies’ Captains, Fergal Condon and Eta Barry Walsh, President Elizabeth Joy and Junior Captain Matthew Buckley will swing into action with the annual Captains Drive In, to make the traditional tee-off to the 2024 season on Monday, New Year’s Day, 1st January 2024 at 1p.m. in the Clubhouse. In conjunction with this big event for our Captains, a mixed 4-person scramble will take place at 9.30a.m. and 1.30p.m. on that date. Timesheet available in the Clubhouse to add your name. If the prospect of golf on New Year’s Day is not for you perhaps, we could suggest an alternative, a hot port/whiskey or non-alcoholic punch in the Clubhouse if that tickles your fancy. The restaurant will be open for food too, so please come along, you would be most welcome.
Interclub Competition
If you are interested in representing the club in any competitions, please add your name to the sheet in the locker room. The final date for entry is Sunday, January 7th, 2024.