Clonmel Golf Club – Notes
Mens Notes
The snow put a stop to any golf this week but hopefully the weeks ahead will see more favourable golfing conditions.
A reminder that this is the last chance to put your name down for the spring league as the entry list will be taking down Wednesday evening to complete the team draws on Thursday. If anyone is unable to get to the club this week but would like to be included, please feel free to let myself know and I will be happy to assist.
Final week of Laharts Skoda singles which will run until Friday 17th January.
Spring league commencing Sat 18th January.
An EGM of Clonmel Golf Club will take place on Monday 27th January 2025. Full notice and details will be forwarded to members.
CLUB LOTTO – Kindly sponsored by Europlan Group
Lotto draw took place on Sunday 12th January with a Jackpot of €3,600.
Numbers drawn: 04-11-15-23.
No Jackpot winner. One matched-three winner: Sean Murphy
Next Draw takes place on Saturday 18th January with a Jackpot of €3,700.
Tickets at €2 each and three for €5. Also available to purchase online, QR codes, Facebook.
Vouchers available for all kinds of gifts and presents. Quick Pick Lotto available.
Offer available for new members joining from now up to 31st March 2026. If you are considering joining a club, why not give us a call. Full details please contact Aine at the office on 052-6124050 or download an application form from our website
Winter 12 Hole Ongoing Competition:-
This competition can be played every day with combined best two scores to count.
Captain’s Drive-in:
Clonmel Golf Club’s Men’s and Ladies’ Captains, David Hoyne and Elaine Winston, and Junior Captain, Kevin Barry, got 2025 off to a great start with the Captain’s Drive in on New Year’s Day. A large crowd gathered at the club and thankfully all tee shots went somewhere down the fairway! Thanks to members, relations and friends who turned up and offered their best wishes for the year ahead. Here’s hoping for a great golfing year in 2025.